Make a Splash: Head to the Pool and Beat the Florida Heat

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Head to the Pool and Beat the Florida Heat

Every Orlando local loves hitting the pool on a sweltering summer day – swimming offers a much-needed break from the Florida heat and a chance to socialize poolside. Cooling off and relaxing with your friends are obvious benefits of swimming, but what about the countless benefits to your health and well-being? To make sure your home’s pool is safe and ready for use, contact your local Orlando pool leak detection specialist. Once your pool leak detection company gives you the green light, start reaping all the rewards your pool has to offer!

Water Down Your Fitness Routine

Swimming is ideal for people of all fitness levels – whether you’re a committed fitness guru or committed to your couch, the pool is the perfect place to start or supplement your fitness routine. Swimming is an aerobic exercise, meaning it strengthens the heart, helps with weight control, improves cholesterol, and lowers diabetes risks. Hitting the pool also provides several benefits not offered by other forms of aerobic exercise:

  • Increased muscle tone and strength – Water is 12 times denser than air, meaning more resistance. Swimming is a great way to increase muscular strength and tone, especially compared to other aerobic exercises.
  • Improved flexibility – While exercise machines tend to isolate one body part at a time, swimming puts the entire body through a broad range of motion that helps joints and ligaments stay loose and flexible.
  • Low impact – Swimming is ideal for people with physical limitations. If you’re overweight, injured, or have arthritis, the low impact of the water eliminates the pain you may experience with exercising on land.

Contact your local Orlando pool leak detection company today to get your pool workout-ready!

Drown Out Distractions: Swimming and Your Emotional Well-Being

In his 1883 book, “The Swimming Instructor”, William Wilson wrote: “The experienced swimmer, when in the water, may be classed among the happiest of mortals in the happiest of moods, and in the most complete enjoyment of the happiest of exercises.”

William Wilson is on to something – most people know that swimming offers health benefits, but you may not know that your time in the pool is just as beneficial for your mind. A few benefits swimming offers outside the physical realm include:

  • Endorphin release – Swimmers enjoy the natural high that comes with the release of the feel-good chemical.
  • Release stress and tension – Swimming can evoke a relaxation response due to the constant stretching and relaxing of muscles combined with deep rhythmic breathing.
  • Brain power – Research has shown that swimming can improve brain function through a process known as Hippocampal Neurogenesis, in which the brain replaces cells lost through stress.

Your local Orlando pool leak detection company can get your pool in tiptop shape so you can start dog paddling your way to happiness. If you’re a new swimmer, you can take group or private lessons at your local Orlando recreation or fitness center. If you already know how to swim, that’s great – just jump in!

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