Is This The Year?

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You have the square footage, the “go ahead” from the spouse, the kids hinting by wearing swimsuits and floaties to the dinner table, and this Christmas will be the hottest one on record since 1924. So is this the year you finally get that pool installed? Find that special contractor that you trust, then call Certified Leak Detection to make sure all slab and foundation ramifications are up to code and safe for those pestering kiddies! Pool leaks can be a pricey fix down the road so be wary of cutting any corners now.

First Things First!

    Research your specifics. Know what you want (pool, hot tub, spa…) and learn the local and state guidelines to adhere to. Get out your rulers and start unwrapping that measuring tape. Decide the location and size that works best for your space and family preferences.

– Don’t forget to include measurements for any fencing, covers and any other safety and protection needs you may want installed. Keep in mind that the more “pool area” space around the pool means less dirt and other muck into your water.


– Don’t forget to leave some room and a clear path for easy maintenance and upkeep.


    Laying a sturdy pool foundation with as perfect as possible elevation and positioning is another component of starting out right. The foundation leak detection specialists should do a thorough examination of it prior to seating the pool or spa.

First’s Not the Worst but Second is the Best!

    It’s not quite spring yet but it’s on its way so bust out those Spring Cleaning moves. Let’s be honest, Central Florida sees its fair share of spring weather and then storm debris and uprooted nature. So be sure to properly prepare your chosen pool or spa space. Do some preliminary groundwork before the major, heavy duty groundwork arrives.

– Concrete slabs are truly the best option for longevity and reduced redesign mishaps but there are other options. Shop around to see what works best for you.

Third is the One with the Concrete Chest!

    Be sure you have hired, or you yourself if you’re professionally licensed, a contractor that has plenty of experience and references before allowing him or her to lay the concrete. Proper installation at every level is imperative to the lifespan of your pool. Be sure they are well versed ad practiced in:

– Plumbing Protocols


– Concrete and Cantilevered Form setting


– Water Control (Unwatering) and Draining

Building a pool should NOT be an ‘If you don’t succeed, try, try again’ situation. The more care taken now, the easier the verdict will be when you call CERTIFIED for your routine residential (or commercial) leak detection check-ups!

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