Certified Pool Gators & Critters

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Floridians know a thing or two about swimming. Memorial Day Weekend’s pool openings mean little to us as warm sunny weather is a big part of life almost all year long. We know we have to regularly:

  • Clean swimming pools
  • Check toxicity levels
  • Conduct leak detection
  • Check safety regulations

So many of us feel like expert pool, springs and beach swimmers thanks to a life surrounded by water but with recent unfortunate events, we are reminded that ANYTHING can happen.

Did You Know

Did you know they like a good clean swimming pool like the rest of us? Everyone loves a good looking gator…from afar. They are practically the state mascot as they rule the vast bodies of water around us.

The average American alligator can weigh anywhere from approximately 500lbs to 1000lbs!

That is one awfully heavy pool party guest! Their slow progression over your pool’s concrete slabs can have some serious aftereffects. Whether they are ramming into the sides, trying to get out or laying on flimsy fixtures, alligators can be hazardous to more than just your family and friends!



Gator Pool Party

Alligators aren’t the only uninvited guests that occasionally vacation in your pool area. Sometimes there is a pool party going on and you’re not even home! Florida pools can see:

  • Frogs
  • Snakes
  • Turtles
  • Ducks (& other birds)
  • Pets

Many homeowners opt for special critter ramps to help them get out once they are trapped. Wildlife gets trapped in man-made enclosures all the time; why would a cool pool on a scorching day be any different? Usually, if they stick around, it is because they have no choice.

Sometimes a cuddly (or creepy) critter can direct you to a crack in a pool foundation or pool areas by how they enter or flee when you approach. Give Certified Leak Detection a call to inspect and correct any leaks you or your unwanted guests may find!

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